KhNUIA took part in a working meeting chaired by Kateryna Pavlichenko, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs

Valerii Sokurenko, the Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police General of the third rank, Mykhailo Burdin, Vice-Rector, Oksana Tsukan, Adviser to the Rector for Gender Affairs took part in a working meeting chaired by Kateryna Pavlichenko, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, regarding the presentation of an analysis of available tools and forms of gender component implementation in various directions of activity of higher educational establishments in the field of administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.



During the meeting, the higher educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were recommended to consider the creation of specific disciplines or programs within general academic disciplines or specialized courses on gender issues and to take actions on the exchange of best practices with the higher educational establishments that have already developed and implemented disciplines / programs / courses in this field.



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