An employee of Kremenchug Flight College was trained at «Airbus Helicopters» in Marignan (France)

Aviation technician in instruments and radio equipment of the aircraft maintenance department of the aviation technical base of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valerii Karpynskyi successfully completed a full course of training at the «Airbus Helicopters» training center in Marignan (France) on the courses "H125 Type Rating for Avionics no Part 147" and "H125 Modules for Technicians Instructors Avionics". The courses were organized and conducted by «Airbus Helicopters» within the framework of the contract for the supply of 55 helicopters for the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

The acquired knowledge and experience will improve the level of practical maintenance of helicopters H125, improve the level of theoretical and practical knowledge and teaching methods for maintenance of helicopters H125 for training other employees of Kremenchug Flight College of KhNUIA, students and cadets, applicants for higher education and other technical personnel of aviation units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

The issues of establishing closer ties between the parties and raising awareness of Kremenchug Flight College of KhNUIA for expanding international relations and further cooperation were also discussed.


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