A seminar-dispute on the issues of Euro-Atlantic Integration with cadets of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA

Olena Lukianykhina, the Head of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, held a seminar-discussion “Advantages of Ukraine’s entry in NATO”, within the framework of which she focused attention of the first-year cadets to the need to understand the mechanisms of the organizational and legal provision of security in Ukraine as a member of the international community under conditions of modern challenges and threatsundertheplanofactionsontheimplementationoftheConceptfor Improving Public Awareness on Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine for 2020, the plan of action of the Ministry of Internal Affairs agencies to implement the Annual National Program under the auspices of Ukraine – NATO Commission for 2020 and in the framework of the All-Ukrainian Law Week.



A cadet, Valentyna Andreienko informed the participants about the history of the development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), highlighting the current stage of development of partner relationship with Ukraine.


The discussion of the advantages of Ukraine’s entryinto NATO was preceded by the identification of traditional and newest threats that require the interaction and cooperation of the forces of the international community in order to prevent threatsand protect against them. Military and religious conflicts, migration processes and the contradictions caused by them, the activities of terrorist organizations and groups, according to the cadets’ opinion, require constructive interaction among countries and, in particular, Ukraine, with a purpose to enhance national security.



A lively discussion aroused among the participants of the seminar on the effectiveness of the international security mechanisms and their member organizations.

In general, a discussion of current topical issues with students promotes the raise of their awareness on the issues of formation and implementation of international safety mechanisms, critical thinking activation and the ability to hold a discussion, using available and correct arguments for the protection of their position.




Sumy Branch of KhNUIA

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