Training on the role of law enforcement officers in drug prevention and HIV prevention has been completed at KhNUIA

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Programme Office for Eastern Europe conducted a training "The role of law enforcement officers in drug prevention and HIV prevention. Redirection scheme for prevention and treatment services". The training program participants were representatives of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university, the Department of Preventive Activities of the MDNP in Kharkiv region, and the Patrol Police Department in Kharkiv region.

The trainers from the university were the head and deputy head of the Research Laboratory on Crime Enforcement Kostiantyn Buhaichuk and Oleksii Serdiuk. The speakers from the UNODC Programme Office were Zhannat Kosmukhamedova, Head of the UNODC Programme Office for Eastern Europe, Serhii Rudyi, National Programme Officer of the UNODC, and Andrii Saladovnykov, International Consultant of the UNODC.  ​The training program was also attended by representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide services to representatives of at-risk groups, who shared with participants examples of successful cooperation with law enforcement agencies.

Among the problematic issues addressed by the training programme: the nature of addictive behavior, prevention, and treatment of addiction, international standards of care for addicts, respect for human rights, overcoming stigma and discrimination, combating the illicit trafficking of new drugs. Practical situations related to combating drug trafficking were considered. A package of educational materials and normative documents developed by the Research Laboratory on Crime Enforcement of KhNUIA in cooperation with the UNODC was presented.  Among them are methodological recommendations for referral to drug treatment facilities of drug users who have come under police scrutiny. The recommendations have already been approved and posted on the educational portal of the National Police. A draft instruction on informing representatives of risk groups on the provision of medical services and a training module on the use of these guidelines, instructions on the practical activities of the National Police of Ukraine were also presented.

Після завершення тренінгу його учасники отримали сертифікати, які вручив перший проректор університету Дмитро Швець та привітав з успішним завершенням навчальної програми.

After the training, its participants received certificates, which were presented by the First Vice-Rector of the University Dmytro Shvets. He also congratulated them on the successful completion of the curriculum.

The joint event is a continuation of the cooperation between the University and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Programme Office for Eastern Europe on issues related to the fight against drug trafficking, with scientific and legislative support of this process.


Department of Public Relations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

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