From DSUIA to KNUIA: Training of Community Police Officers is in Process!
Within the framework of the project "Community Police Officer" with the support of ICITAP a meeting of future trainers on combating domestic violence with current trainers, teachers of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs took place in Kharkiv region.

Mykola Repan, senior lecturer of the Administrative Law, Process and Administrative Activity Department, shared his experience in delivering “Combatting Domestic Violence” course.

Ivan Kostishyn, acting community police officer in Dnipropetrovsk region, focused attention of future trainers on challenging issues, which community police officers face in their routine professional activity.



Though the meeting was held online, efficient discussion was established, key issues of the educational process organization regarding combatting domestic violence were considered.



We would like to remind you that the pilot project “Community Police Officer” started in Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs in February 2019. Within this period 225 police officers have been trained and started performing their professional duties in communities. Currently 120 listeners are studying at the University.

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is starting to train community police officers in October. Currently the selection of candidates for studies and trainers is in process.

Public Relations Department

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