Flashmob to the Day of Unity (KhNUIA)

During the solemn event dedicated to the Day of Unity, a flash mob was held at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, which was attended by more than two thousand representatives of higher education institutions. Among them are cadet units of the Honor Guard, carabinieri, drummers, pupils of the Lyceum "Pravookhoronets", participants of amateur performances.

Carabinieri with rifles decorated with blue and yellow flags, girls in Ukrainian national dress with flowers and smartly dressed members of the drummer team performed the vocal and choreographic composition “Our Unity”, the center of which was the huge Twelve-meter State Flag of Ukraine which was firmly held by the pupils of the Lyceum "Pravookhoronets". Cadets with flags of all regions of Ukraine lined up along the perimeter of the parade ground. Participants of the event - with Ukrainian flags in their hands, many of them have yellow-blue ribbons on their clothes, as a symbol of peace and unity of Ukrainians around the world. The flashmob “Our Unity” is a creative, brief and extremely important message for all Ukrainians, which succinctly, vividly and convincingly testifies that we are worthy descendants of the Cossack family, brave, strong and courageous, we value our history, we respect traditions. We are the only and majestic nation. We are the Ukrainian people! Our state is Ukraine and it is united!

The event ended with a solemn march of cadet units of all faculties of the university.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA

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