This year, the final stage of the best scientific, scientific and technical, and career guidance products annual competition in the Ministry of Internal Affairs apparatus, territorial bodies, institutions, establishments and enterprises under the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was held at Lviv State University of Internal Affairs.
The organizer of the competition was the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
The competition aimed to stimulate the creative and innovative activities of scientists, and scientific and pedagogical staff, to popularize the best achievements of departmental science in the field of jurisprudence, civil security, information technology, psychology and other areas important for high-quality training of a new generation of central executive authorities’ specialists, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Minister of Internal Affairs.
12 higher educational establishments and 2 research institutions took part in the competition. According to its results, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took 7 prize places:
A nomination "Reference publications (encyclopedias, encyclopedic linguistic, linguistic dictionaries, reference books)":
I place – A Collection of Laws and Regulations in the Field of Scientific, and Scientific and Technical Activity in Ukraine / [compiled by: D.V. Shvets, S.M. Bortnyk, L.V. Mohilevskyi, O.S. Bakumov, V.V. Chumak, O.O. Khan and others]. - Kharkiv: Law, 2019. - 880 p.
A nomination "Productional and practical publications (practical manuals, practical guides, methodological manuals, memos)":
I place - Administrative Law of Ukraine. The general part in the schemes: manual/ Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs; by general editing of Dr. Legal Sciences, Prof. V.V. Sokurenko; [ O.V. Brusakova, D.V. Shvets, etc.]. - Kharkiv: KhNUIA, 2019. – 236 с.
Nomination "Textbooks":
I place - Labour Relations Law of Ukraine: textbook/ Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs; [ S.M. Bortnyk, K.Yu. Melnyk, L.V. Mohilevskyi, etc.]. - Kharkiv, 2019. – 408 с.
Nomination “Publications containing information with limited access”:
II place - Series of scientific works “Operational search paradigm”, authors: S.V. Albul, O.S. Bakumov, M.S. Voloshyna, V.V. Horbachev, V.V Davydenko , R.V. Domnitsak, O.O. Dereviahin, S.A. Saltovets , M.V. Stashchak, V.V. Shendryk.
Nomination “Computer programs for practical purposes”:
II place - computer program “House leasing for police officers”, authors: V.A. Korshenko, etc.
Nomination “Printed career guidance products”:
III place - career guidance products of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
Nomination "Methods, methodical recommendations (methodical guidelines)":
III place - Methodical recommendations for juvenile prevention employees on prevention and prophylaxis of dangerous entertainment for children related to the use of the Internet / [ O.O. Yevdokimova, V.A. Korshenko, V.V. Chumak, Yu.V. Aleksandrov, A.A. Shylina, M.V. Mordvyntsev]; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs – Kharkiv, 2019. – 52 с.