The team of students for the master’s degree of OSUIA participates in the International workshop “Empowering Youth with conflict analysis skills – empowering community”

First-year students of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation bodies are participating in the international project “Empowering Youth with conflict analysis skills – empowering community.”



Project partners: NAMU (Ukraine), ProDidactica (Moldova), Human Right Center "Viasna" (Belarus), Center for Innovative Educational and Social Programs (Tiraspol), Non-Violence int. (Ukraine), Leadership Center of ONU named after   I. Mechnikov.
The project managers of the team of students for the master’s degree of OSUIA are the head of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law, colonel of police Lilia Matvieieva and professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines Polina Baltadzhy.
Teams from 14 universities of Ukraine, Moldova and Canada are participating in the project.



The first webinar training for the project teams took place on October 21. The speakers of the project (Inna Tereshchenko, Andriy Husev) talked about the members of the participating teams, directions, arrangements and goals.
The main goal of the project is to promote peacekeeping ideas among students as future national leaders and community leaders in the region. Also, the project aims to expand young people's understanding of the variety of tools for resolving conflict situations and to expand understanding of the possibilities of conflict transformation by non-violent means.


The project trainers gave to the participants a series of lectures on conflicts and ways to resolve them. At the end of the first webinar, each team received a practical case, which must be presented to the competition jury for the next stage of the workshop



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