Cadets participated in All-Ukrainian conference with working foreign languages

All-Ukrainian cadet-student conference “Combating crime in the police: XXI century challenges was held on the basis of Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.


Scientific event was held remotely using the online platform ZOOM. LvSUIA cadets joined the conference. Head of Viva Scientia Scientific group of Department of Foreign Languages and Culture of Professional Speech, cadet of Faculty №1 Euhene TURYK presented a report on Chemical castration as punishment for sexual crimes against adolescents: for or against?Scientific supervisor - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Culture of Professional Speech Anjela POSOKHOVA.


Sophomore from the same faculty Marta LEVCHUK presented her work on “Law enforcement agencies facing modern challenges: restoring public confidence.



Scientific supervisor - Lecturer of Department of Foreign Languages and Culture of Professional Speech Roksolana ZAPOTICHNA.

Cadets admitted that it’s a great experience, because despite that at university they repeatedly have an opportunity to communicate with representatives of foreign countries on various topics, including legal, it is interesting and useful to participate in various conferences, especially in English as it gives an opportunity to practice and improve knowledge of foreign languages and to acquire something new.

Cadets who hold the floor during the conference received Certificates of participation.

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