Lecture on "Specific of Conducting Certain Types of Covert Investigative Actions" for cadets of OSUIA

On September 26th at the initiative of the Department of Criminal Procedure of the University, the head of Headquarter of National Police in Odessa region, General of Police of the third rank Oleg Bekh and experienced employees of operational units held a lecture " Specific of Conducting Certain Types of Covert Investigative Actions" for cadets of the Faculty of Preparing Specialists for Pre-trial Investigation Units.

During the lecture Oleg Bekh told in details about the cooperation of investigators with operational units, prosecutors and investigating judges in obtaining permission and organizing and conducting, recording the results of covert investigative (search) actions, pointed out problems that are in practice and possible ways to solve them. The invited experts paid attention to the specifics of certain types of covert investigative (search) actions and shared examples from their own experience

At the end of the meeting, the cadets asked the practitioners with various questions. Oleh Bekh positively noted the activity of the cadets while discussion the issues of conducting covert investigative actions which require not only understanding of practical aspects, but also a deep knowledge of the legislation governing these issues.



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