To the 20th anniversary of the official opening of the Yaroslav Kondratiev Law Lyceum
of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Official opening of the law lyceum with the participation of the First Persons of the State (September 16, 2000)
The Law Lyceum was established to implement the comprehensive program of crime combating, approved by the President of Ukraine for 1996-2000, in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on December 15, 1997 and the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on April 8, 1998.
The decision to establish a lyceum was supported by the Kyiv City State Administration. During 1998–2000, a complex of buildings of the former vocational school at Povitroflotsky Avenue, 53, was reconstructed to house the lyceum.
The building of the former vocational school № 23, which was reconstructed into a lyceum
The first 50 lyceum students began their studies on the basis of the faculty № 4 of NAIA in the 1999/2000 academic year. The lyceum was headed by police colonel P. I. Matsiutskyi.
The building of the law lyceum of the Academy after reconstruction
In a relatively short time, a significant amount of work on the reconstruction of the complex of buildings of the former vocational school was done. And in September 2000, the lyceum opened its doors to future students for the first time.
The law lyceum became a general educational institution of the III degree with profile education and pre-professional training. The purpose of its creation was the social protection of children whose parents - law enforcement officers – died or became disabled in the line of official duties during the protection of public order and safety, orphans and children left without parental care, from families of police officers.
Among the main tasks of the lyceum were the following: creation of conditions for students to complete general secondary education at the level defined by the State Standard of General Secondary Education, provision of in-depth legal and intensive physical training, development of skills needed for higher education in the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Lyceum students are members of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Every year they take an active part in all-Ukrainian student competitions in basic disciplines, where they often win prizes.
Most lyceum students dream of becoming police officers in the future. For many of them, this dream will become a reality, and soon these children will join the ranks of police personnel.
On June 13, 2007, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued Order № 417-r “On Assigning the Name of Yaroslav Kondratiev to the Law Lyceum of the Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs”.
Thus began the path of a new structural unit of the Academy - the Yaroslav Kondratiev Law Lyceum of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.
Yaroslav Kondratiev Law Lyceum
Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of NAIA