Webinar on road safety was held on the online platform Webex. Event was hosted by the Head of the Traffic Department of Legionowo Police Training Center Jaroslav ZGERSKI (Poland), Deputy Commandant of the Center Marcin SCHINDLER and Head of the Kharkiv Regional Office of the European Union Advisory Mission to Ukraine Robert ZHULKIEWSKI.
Associate Professor of Department of Civil Law and Procedure of Faculty №1 Volodymyr KOHUT took part in the webinar as represantative of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs.
Experts spoke about the training of patrol police in Poland. They described which disciplines forms a curriculum in specialized educational institutions.
Particularly, lecturers noted that Polish Patrol Police officers are divided by directions. Some of them regulate traffic, others go on road accidents without casualties. Third direction policemen are called to the road accident with victims.
Representatives of Traffic Department noted at the end of the webinar that 5,000 Polish patrols have professional First Aid skills. To refresh their knowledge they undergo re-certification every two years, after which they receive an appropriate certificates.