Representatives of the faculty № 2 acquainted the students of the affiliated school with the peculiarities of the police profession

Representatives of the Faculty № 2  of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs: Ihor Vlasenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training, Mykola Koteliukh, Associate Professor of the Tactical and Special Physical Training Department, Oleksandr Skliar, Lecturer of the Faculty of Tactical and Special Physical Training  and cadets of the Faculty visited the Municipal Institution "Kharkiv Sanatorium School № 11" of the Kharkiv Regional Council. During the visit, the educational event was held with students of 8th-9th grades. The children received information about the peculiarities of the police profession, got acquainted with the means of individual armor protection and the procedure for detaining a criminal using handcuffs.


During the meeting, everyone had the opportunity to try on personal protective equipment and look at the special equipment. The children were thrilled with the meeting, asked many questions and were happy to take pictures with the police officers.


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