Representatives of the OSUIA took part in the international webinar “Decency testing - an effective tool for preventing corruption”

On November 18, representatives of the Odessa State University of Internal Affairs took part in the international webinar "Integrity testing - an effective tool for preventing corruption", organized by the European Union Advisory Mission. The webinar was attended by representatives of the Odesa region division of the National Police of Ukraine, the Odesa region Patrol Police Department, the Odesa Territorial Department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the Odesa region Prosecutor's Office, the Odesa region Security Service, the Southern Regional Department of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and others.



Welcoming remarks were made by Georgios Pokas (Greece), Senior Law Enforcement Adviser to the EUAM. Adrian Banu, Anti-Corruption Adviser (Romania), then presented the Romanian model of decency testing, highlighting in detail the concepts and grounds for conducting an audit, reviewing the legislation related to decency of MIA staff, and the impact of such testing on level of corruption in Romania.


Joseph Gulay, Senior Anti-Corruption Adviser (Hungary), explained in detail the essence of the Hungarian decency model. The speaker began his report on the importance of introducing anti-corruption legislation and the proper functioning of state bodies that control this area. He noted that in 2010 Hungary set up a special body, the National Protective Service, to detect corruption crimes. Mr. Gulay also spoke about the history of the creation of mechanisms to test the decency in the world. The foreign expert covered the procedure for considering anti-corruption crimes in Hungary and drew a parallel with Romania



At the end of the webinar, participants had the opportunity to ask the speakers questions and receive reasoned answers. In turn, the university staff expressed gratitude for providing comprehensive and relevant materials.


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