The second round of the international project “Empowering Youth with conflict analysis skills – empowering community” took place in OSUIA.
The project runs from August to December at the initiative of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), its Eastern European network. The main goal of the project is to provide students of different specialties with knowledge about the variety of tools in conflict analysis, about peacekeeping and UN youth policy, about gender aspects of peacekeeping.
At the second stage, the teams of universities of Ukraine and Moldova presented the results of their work on the proposed cases of real conflict situations. To identify the causes of the conflict, the teams used the method of conflict cartography, which aim is to graphically display the components of the conflict, a consistent analysis of the behavior of conflict parties, formulate the main problem, needs and fears of participants, ways to eliminate the causes of conflict.
The practical case of the team of masters of the faculty of training specialists for the pre-trial investigation bodies of the Odessa State University of Internal Affairs is connected with the conflict between the local community and the community of Crimean Tatar migrants. Participants presented for discussion their version of conflict visualization, during which they received useful comments and advice from experienced trainers, new knowledge and practical skills of analysis and work with social conflicts.