Presentation of ZakonOnline platform capabilities

 Today, the representative of the ZakonOnline analytical system Dmytro Lyapin introduced online a wide range of teachers, cadets, students and postgraduates of the Luhansk State University of Internal named after E.O. Didorenko finding opportunities that provide one of the best an automated data-search system of judicial practice.


According to Mr. Dmitry, the ZakonOnline platform team is constantly improving and updating the system with relevant content, as well as convenient analytical "phycles" that facilitate the work of lawyers.  ZakonOnline - allows you to quickly find a legal position as a Supreme Court and a European Court of Human Rights, analyze judicial practice, to find a judicial decision or regulatory act, review information about a court session. Zakononline is updated daily. The product contains all judgments from the State Register of Court Decisions, more than 12600 topical legal positions of the Supreme Court and more than 1250 conclusions of the European Court of Human Rights.

Press Office of the LSUIA named after E.O. Didorenko

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