According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine on October 14, 2020 № 446/2020 for significant personal merits in the development and promotion of domestic football, raising the international sports prestige of Ukraine and on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of victories in the final matches of the Cup Winners' Cup and UEFA Super Cup gained under the leadership of the head coach of the football club "Dynamo" (Kyiv), Hero of Ukraine Valeriy Lobanovskyi, the Order of Merit of the First Degree was awarded to Professor of the Department of Special Physical Training of the National Academy of Internal Affairs Stefan Reshko (official website of the President of Ukraine).
The Rector of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Police General of the Second Rank Volodymyr Cherniei, personally congratulated Stefan on his honorary award. He noted that for the first time an employee of the Academy was awarded the Order of Merit of I, II and III Degrees.
Legendary Dynamo defender Stefan Reshko is 73 years old, 15 of which he gave to professional football. After completing his sports career, he graduated from the Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Later he became a teacher at the Department of Special Physical Training of NAIA, received the rank of police colonel and has been successfully training future officers for 41 years.
The Academy is known for its sports achievements and famous athletes. The institution continues the tradition of educating a physically hardened and healthy young generation, because physical education is first and foremost the health of the nation.
So we sincerely wish dear Stefan good health, well-being, life energy, new achievements in the development of physical culture and sports and increasing sports glory for the Academy!
Communication Unit, NAIA