Situational practical lesson "Review of the crime scene in case of burglary"

As part of training sessions on the subject "Preparation of criminal procedural documents at the stage of pre-trial investigation" research and teaching staff of the Department of Criminal Procedure of NAIA organize situational classes. Classes are aimed to deepen the practical component of the educational process and practice the necessary practical skills.


Ситуативне практичне заняття «Огляд місця події  в разі вчинення квартирної крадіжки»


Thus, Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Lieutenant Colonel of Police Olha Khakhutsiak conducted a situational practical lesson using the training ground "Living Room" to inspect the crime scene in case of burglary.

The class considered the procedural features of this investigative (search) action, simulated the practical situation and considered in detail the tasks of members of the investigative operatives at the crime scene.

Ситуативне практичне заняття «Огляд місця події  в разі вчинення квартирної крадіжки»


The cadets of the 4th year of ESI № 1 conducted and recorded the course of the inspection of the crime scene according to the provided plot. Olha Khakhutsiak emphasized the importance of this investigative action due to the fact that it is in the process of inspection that traces of a criminal offense are detected, recorded and removed. These are the most important sources of evidence about the circumstances of a criminal offense and its perpetrators.


Ситуативне практичне заняття «Огляд місця події  в разі вчинення квартирної крадіжки»


During their investigation, the cadets put forward versions of the proposed plot on the committed criminal offense, demonstrated the appropriate level of knowledge in the criminal process, criminology and operational and investigative activities.


Ситуативне практичне заняття «Огляд місця події  в разі вчинення квартирної крадіжки»


Department of Criminal Procedure, NAIA

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