Vitalii Naida, a master's student of the Faculty No.1 of KhNUIA, became the winner of the international stage of the essay contest

Vitalii Naida, Head of the School of Scientific Leadership, master's student of the Faculty No.1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, became the winner of the international stage of the essay contest “Looking to the future - Common values, common dreams” with the work “Six thinking hats on the present and future of the EU” within the framework of the ENACTED project – “the European Union and its neighbors. Network for Enhancing EU Participation on the Eastern Borders”, funded by the European Union. The Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty No.1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs under the leadership of the Head of the Department Olena Orlova provided active assistance in the translation of the work.

The aim of the competition was to highlight the public perception of the processes of European integration and Europeanization, the challenges facing the European project, European values, the future of the European Union and other EU-related topics.

The competition was held in two stages: national and internationalselection. Three works, marked as the best at the national level in Ukraine, were translated by the participants into English and sent to participate in the international level, which also presented the works of participants from other project partner countries (Romania, Moldova, Belarus, Poland and Hungary).

The works of the winners of the essay contest will be published in a book with the support of the ENACTED Jean Monnet Network.

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