The Training of the Community Police Officers has begun at KhNUIA

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has started specialization courses for district police officers assigned to the police stations of the united territorial communities. The audience was met by the Chief of the Department for Interaction with Communities of the Department of Preventive Activities of the National Police, Police Senior Lieutenant Maiia Breslavska, Rector of the University, Police Colonel Dmytro Shvets, First Vice-Rector, Police Lieutenant Colonel Serhii Bortnyk, Assistant to the Rector Viacheslav Krykun and coordinators of ICITAP International Program in Ukraine.

The rector of the university congratulated the participants on the beginning of the training and noted that the staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is doing everything necessary to ensure a successful and effective educational process: “The community police officers will be trained by professional trainers who have also completed relevant courses. Our international partners will support your training in every way so that you receive the necessary knowledge, high-quality training, and we, in turn, will organize and provide comfortable conditions for learning, self-training, sports and recreation. The university has a modern material and technical base. To practice practical skills, there are training grounds, such as tactical, forensic and police departments, cybercrime and cyberspace monitoring center, shooting range, laser multimedia shooting range, correctional and psychodiagnostic centers, etc.”.

Addressing the audience, the Head of the Department said: “Today is a very important day, you are starting your training. I would like to wish you strength to make this training the next step towards a new specialty. The project “The Community Police Officer” is promising and successful. It is already being implemented, and community police officers are working almost all over the country. We continue to work in this direction. I wish you success and patience, because the training program is very intense, so you will need to make every effort to acquire knowledge and skills. Good luck to you!”

ICITAP Vocational Training Coordinator Oleksandr Kuzmenko also congratulated the participants on the beginning of the training.

Participants came to study at Kharkiv Police University from various divisions of the main departments of the National Police and Patrol Police Departments of Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Zakarpattia, Sumy, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Mykolaiv and Kharkiv Regions. 90 employees, will take a course to improve driving skills, classes in pre-medical, special tactical and fire training with exception of general law disciplines, during which they will learn accurate shooting exercises from both short-barreled and long-barreled weapons during 2,5 months.

The event was held in compliance with all quarantine requirements.


 Department of Public Relations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


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