Scientific and practical seminar “Current issues of private law in a context of European integration processes in Ukraine” was held on 13th of November at Lviv State University of Internal Affairs in online format. Yuriy YURKEVICH, Head of Department of Civil Law Disciplines of Faculty of Law was a moderator of event.
LvSUIA Vice-Rector Olha BALYNSKA made an introductory speech: “Private law applies to civil, family, labor and economic spheres of human life. And in these areas it needs to be protected. Having chosen a context of European integration processes, today we should talk not only about the prospects for development of private law and legislation of Ukraine, but also about the possibility of entering a unified international legal space and adapting national legal system to international law”.
Ivan KRASNYTSKYI, Dean of Faculty of Law, also held the floor before the event starts. He noted an urgency of discussed issues: “The Ukrainian state has already made its choice and is now focused on European development. When we talk about an issue of private law today, we must understand that it is extremely dynamic - only during last year a number of regulations that have made significant changes in the private law regulation of relations have been adopted. That is why I’m convinced that today's discussion will be interesting and participants will offer ideas that can be used in of our university activities.”
During the scientific event participants talked about the peculiarities of state registration of rights and current changes in legislation. Ways to develop a system of protection of private law entities were also discussed. They discussed the values of modern private law, prospects for development of the institution of private performers. In addition, they shared their views on quarantine in a context of Covid-19 pandemic as a force majeure circumstance in a monetary obligation.