A series of training sessions for police officers of the Lviv region who respond to cases of domestic and gender-based violence is continued at the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. The event is held on the initiative of the European Union Advisory Mission Ukraine.
The participants of the event were greeted by the Rector of LvSUIA Roman Blahuta.
“Due to martial law in Ukraine, the problem of domestic violence is taking on a new scale and is becoming more and more urgent. Therefore, it is necessary to search for new approaches in the activities of the units of the National Police of Ukraine.
It is very important to know, be able to correctly apply the best practices used by the European Union states in the area of the rule of law. I am grateful to the EUAM and Mrs. Hannelore Valliere for their help in organizing this event. Our University is always ready to host joint events,” the Rector of the University emphasized.
Hannelore Vallier, the Head of the EUAM Lviv Field Office, also addressed the participants. “You are fighting for human dignity and freedom to be valued above all in your state,” she noted.
The training will be conducted by Gediminas Buciunas, EUAM’s Senior Adviser on Prosecution from Lithuania and Jukka Larkio, Trainer on Criminal Investigations from Finland. In addition, the Head of the Anti-Domestic Violence Sector of the Lviv District Police Department No.2 Marta Vasylkevych will participate at the event, as well as Vira Protsiv, Deputy Head of the Public Relations Department of the Lviv Region Patrol Police Department.
Учасники тренінгу будуть відпрацьовувати вивчені кейси на прикладі розроблених сценаріїв в інтерактивній класній кімнаті та на криміналістичному полігоні. Тренінг триватиме впродовж чотирьох днів і завершиться врученням відповідних сертифікатів.
The participants of the training will practice the studied cases using developed scenarios in an interactive classroom and on the forensic facility. The training will last for four days. After the successful completion of the 4 training days the participants will be awarded certificates.