Participation of OSUIA cadets in the training quest to investigate crimes related to human trafficking

On October 28 - 30 cadets of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation bodies of the OSUIA participated in an educational quest to investigate crimes related to human trafficking for students of the Ministry of Internal Affairs institutions, which took place in the village Pishchanka Dnepropetrovsk region in the hotel complex "Good Zone".



The training quest was organized within the project "Support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the fight against domestic violence, human trafficking and cybercrime in Ukraine" with the support of the OSCE Project Coordinator. The main purpose of this quest was to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the investigation of crimes related to human trafficking. The trainings were built using realistic scenarios that simulated cases of labor and sexual exploitation, including cases of exploitation of the underaged. The scenarios were developed at working meetings organized by the OSCE Project Coordinator.



Thus, on the first day, cadets gained theoretical knowledge on the basic aspects and methods of investigating crimes related to human trafficking, with the repetition of the criminal process, psychology and the basics of cybersecurity. On the second day, they practiced conducting investigative (search) actions in compliance with the requirements of current legislation:
- presentation of a person for identification parades;
- interrogation of an underaged;
- housing search.



During the third day, organizers of the event proposed the formation of practical skills of conducting investigative actions regarding information about the person, bank accounts, place of registration in compliance with current legislation.
Participants of the training quest shared their impressions of participating and stressed the high level of organization of events and the relevance of developing practical skills in working with victims and suspects in human trafficking.


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