Participation of university representatives in the international series of webinars "Empowering Youth with Conflict Analysis Skills - Empowering Community"
The fourth year cadets of Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after EO Didorenko Ivan Artyukh, Yana Lusik, Karina Kostenko, 
Dmytro Popov and Daria Topchiy under the
supervision of Associate Professor of Legal Linguistics and Practical Psychology Oleksandr Zvonko
have been participating in the international webinar series since October and workshops on 'Empowering young people through conflict analysis
skills - empowering the community', which aim to acquire conflict analysis skills and exchange knowledge between
youth in the Eastern European
Twelve student teams from higher education institutions of Ukraine and Moldova, led by a curator from each team for three months got 
acquainted in detail with the skills of conflict analysis in society.  When working online, each team presented their own case, based on the issues
of their region or community.
On December 22, the final, third stage of the international project "Empowering Youth through Conflict Analysis Skills - Empowering 
Communities" took place with the participation of universities from Ukraine and Moldova.
According to the jury, our team of mediators was nominated for the analysis of (acute) violent conflict.  All participants received 
appropriate certificates of participation in the international project and gifts from the organizers.
 "Empowering Youth with Conflict Analysis Skills - Empowering Community" is a project of the Odessa Regional Mediation Group, 
which is implemented with the support of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC).
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