Webinars at DLI unite Europe`s policing experience

Donetsk Law Institute held a webinar with the OSCE observers, OSCE Officer on Gender Issues in Mariupol, Media Liaison Officer in the Donetsk Region, and OSCE Press Assistant in Kiev. The topic of the conference was relevant nowadays: "Women along the contact line."

The OSCE Representative on Gender Issues in Mariupol spoke about the organization's activity towards women, children and the elderly.

 It was mentioned that the Assistance Shelter to victims of domestic violence has been opened in Mariupol, the main aspect of which is prevention violence and providing psychological and legal advice.

The press-assistant presented a brochure "Women along the contact line".                   It contains 15 real stories of women in Donbass who work hard every day to change their lives for the better in eastern Ukraine. The OSCE SMM leaders and observers are developing relations between people to make peace.

One of real stories about live experience of Head of the Patrol Centre, Ms. Tinatin was presented while the webinar. She saw the conflict with her own eyes as felt it fully. On daily patrols along the line of contact, she and her colleagues were dealing with military actions and their consequences for civilian population: «Being at the center of a conflict that has brought so much pain can be extremely difficult. We are trying to change situation for the better», - Ms. Tinatin emphasizes.


Our cadets from Mariupol and Kryvyi Rih joined an online conference. They took an active part in the webinar, asking questions to the OSCE observers. It was a valuable experience for the cadets to participate in the conference.


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