A manual “Police (administrative) activity” has been published (KhNUIA)

A manual “Police (administrative) activity” has been published, prepared by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Police Activity and Public Administration of the Faculty No. 3 under the general editorship of Olha Bezpalova, the Head of the Department, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor.

The main provisions of the Ukrainian legislation, governing police (administrative) activities have been highlighted in the manual; the content, directions, forms and methods of police (administrative) activity have been revealed; the peculiarities of service in the National Police and law enforcement in the administrative activities of the police have been illustrated. Features of administrative supervision of the National Police Authorities, administrative and jurisdictional activities of the National Police Authorities (legal proceedings on administrative violations and proceedings on cases on citizen appeals), financial and technical support of the National Police have been described. The algorithm of work of the National Police dispatch centers, the activities of the Patrol Police, the activities of the National Police in the field of road safety, the activities of the service of district police officers and the peculiarities of the approval system by the National Police have been outlined.

The manual will be useful for cadets, master’s students, adjuncts, postgraduate students, candidates for a doctor’s degree, teachers of higher education establishments with specific training conditions, which provide training of specialists for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police, employees of the National Police, and all who are interested in the problems of law enforcement and human rights activities.

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