Involvement of practical workers in the educational process

As part of the plan of interaction between the Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.O.  Didorenko with Lugansk Research Expert-Criminal Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Patrol Police Office in Lugansk region In order to strengthen the practical component of the educational process for cadets of the first year of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Units of the National Police of Ukraine, familiarities were organized.


Representatives of the following expert specialities visited them:

• "3.1 - ballistic research of firearms and combat supplies to it";

• "3.2 - ballistic study of weapons traces, traces of shot and situational circumstances of the shot";

• "3.3 - study of cold weapons";

• "4.2 - research of tools, aggregates, tools and their left tracks, identification of the whole in parts";

• "4.6 - dactyloscopic research";

• "5.2 - research of explosive devices, traces and circumstances of the explosion";


 "10.9 - research of computer equipment and software products".

Representatives of the Lugansk Research Expert-Criminal Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine demonstrated to cadets an existing modern technical and forensic equipment of the Center, its possibilities during conducting litigation and expert research; acquainted with field and special laboratory methods for detecting hands traces on different surfaces; The work of an expert with firearms and explosive devices is highlighted, as well as indicated on the need to comply with personal safety measures in handling them, etc.

An employee of the patrol police battalion of the Police Directorate in the Luhansk region of the Department of Patrol Police Khokhlov Nazar Sergeevich told about the structural units of patrol police: patrolling in the city, hiking patrol, cycling and tactical and operational response.  Got acquainted with departments that are part of the patrol police and their responsibilities.  This is a department of administrative practice, road accidents, public relations, traffic safety, tactical and promotional response, legal department, telecommunications department and others.  The main tasks of the police in the patrol police are a timely response to the challenges "102", the protection of public order, exposing crimes by "hot traces".

Classes conducted with the involvement of practical workers, develop analytical opportunities for education, have great educational potential, help to transfer already formed skills and skills in new areas of activity.  The participation of practical workers of the National Police of Ukraine increases the relevance of lecture classes, makes them more interesting and meaningful.

Press Office of the LSUIA named after E.O. Didorenko


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