Healthy Youth is the key to our future!

On the eve of the World AIDS Day, students of the Yaroslav Kondratiev Law Lyceum of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine took part in measures to prevent HIV infection spreading and risky behavior.

Здоров’я молоді – запорука нашого майбутнього!


The lyceum psychologist conducted an information session with the method of "peer to peer" communication, comprehensively analyzing the concepts of "HIV" and "AIDS", the main ways of transmitting the disease, the features of HIV testing in the world and in Ukraine.


Здоров’я молоді – запорука нашого майбутнього!


During the interactive board card game "Lord of the Rings", the lyceum teams answered a block of questions related to the ways of HIV/AIDS infection, legal bases of counteracting the spread of HIV infection, tolerant attitude to HIV-infected and AIDS patients.

On the occasion of the World AIDS Day, lyceum students also took part in the "Red Ribbon" campaign.


Здоров’я молоді – запорука нашого майбутнього!


The small English pin with a red ribbon has become a symbol of the unity of efforts aimed at solving the problems of the fight against AIDS. By attaching the ribbon to their clothes, the lyceum students expressed their support and sympathy for those, who suffer from this disease and are fighting for their lives.


Здоров’я молоді – запорука нашого майбутнього!


Yaroslav Kondratiev Law Lyceum, NAIA

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