Meeting of the management of KhNUIA with the participants of the program of all-Ukrainian academic mobility - cadets of DSUIA

Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Valerii Sokurenko and First Vice-Rector Dmytro Shvets met with the students of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs who participate in the All-Ukrainian Academic Mobility Program "Student Academic Mobility (SAM) Ukraine", which is one of the components of the European Union program ''House of Europe'' and funded by the British Council.

During the conversation, the Rector stressed the friendly relations between universities, which participation in the academic mobility program will improve and unify approaches to the educational process in the organization of educational activities, promote the exchange of modern methods and tools, etc. In addition, Valerii Sokurenko acquainted the youth with the projects in the implementation of which the university staff participates, shared plans for the development of the material and technical base of the university, etc.

On behalf of the cadets of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs Alina Lukomska thanked the rector, staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs for hospitality, knowledge they receive within this program, for the opportunity to communicate with their peers, share learning experiences and gain new positive emotions.

During their stay in the partner institution of higher education, the exchange participants are trained according to the schedule of classes of each of the universities. According to the results of the training, the final control over two disciplines is provided: "Criminal Procedure" and "Criminalistics", the total amount of which is 6 credits (ECTS), which corresponds to the conditions of the academic mobility project between higher education institutions within Ukraine.

DSUIA cadets got acquainted with the material and technical base of KhNUIA, training conditions, organization of independent work of cadets, educational and methodical and programming support, use of training grounds during classes, improved skills of academic communication, teamwork and others. All this contributes to the growth of positive motivation for their further professional development.

Based on the results of the experience gained, higher education institutions will be able to develop their own methodological recommendations for the development and implementation of academic mobility programs for cadets and extend the experience gained to other higher education institutions in Ukraine with specific learning conditions.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA

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