Within the framework of the Memorandum on cooperation between the Lugansk Research Experimental Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.O. Didorenko Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedic Disciplines Sergey Golovkin together with the Deputy Director of Luhansk State Research Experimental Criminology Center of MIA of Ukraine - the Head of the Department of Criminalist Species Oleksandr Krupetsev and Head of the sector of Dactyloscopic Research Yuri Moroz, Binary practical classes with cadets of the educational group 18-01 on the topic: "Inspection tactics of scene on the premises " was conducted
During the classes that took place on the forensic polygon "Apartment", equipped with a system of video surveillance, cadets were modeled by the murder fact, the investigative-operational group, whose members carried out by the scene of the scene, showed, fixed, removed a variety of objects with traces a criminal offense.
In the course of the work of the investigative-operational group, Alexander Krapsev and Yuri Moroz provided practical advice on criminology rules for reviewing objects with tracks, the sequence of a corpse review in the place of the scene, the possibilities of expert research of detected objects.
Press Office of the LSUIA named after E.O. Didorenko