The internship of the lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of LDUVS named after E.O. Didorenko at Ka’Foscari University in Venice

The lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.O. Didorenko Nailya Khairulina completed the scientific and pedagogical internship at the European University of Ka’Foscari on the topic: "Organization of the Educational Process in the Field of Philological Sciences in Ukraine and the EU" which was held from August 24th to October 2d, 2020.


The internship program included analysis of the role of interactive teaching methods in the formation of professional competence, project-oriented learning, coverage of Ukraine in the context of the formation of a single European educational space. Nailya Khairulina took part in a training seminar and prepared a scientific and methodological report "The Role of Foreign Languages in the European Socio-cultural Space."

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