The trends of higher education in the context of the development of distance technologies were discussed at the university

On December 23, the conference "Education 2.0" was held at Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.O. Didorenko. Five-panel discussions were devoted to the problems of the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, increasing the motivation of higher education, diversification of educational services and the formation of professionally important personality traits. The speakers shared their own experience and vision of prospects in these issues.

The First Vice-Rector of the university Mykola Karchevsky greeted the participants of the event and conveyed sincerest congratulations and wishes of success in their work from the rector of  Didorenko University Vitaliy Komarnytsky.

The speakers discussed the challenges and limits of the use of distance learning technologies, the peculiarities of the organization of planning the educational process in the conditions of distance and blended learning in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in particular, the experience of teaching practically oriented disciplines; analyzed the positive and negative aspects of distance learning from point of view of students and cadets; highlighted the shortcomings of distance learning and the factors of its danger to the educational space of Ukraine.

During the second panel discussion, the speakers shared their experience in organizing a foreign-language educational space of Didorenko University in terms of distance learning and integration of online distance learning tools in English for Professional Purposes.

Particular attention was paid to the need for extracurricular activities in a pandemic and presented this year's practical experience of Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.O.  Didorenko in the implementation of this aspect of educational activities.

In the final panel entitled "ZOOMs and my ZOOMs, I'm in trouble with you! Why are there sad lines in the monitor?». Рost-graduates, Adjuncts, and Masters made their reports and put forward their  view concerning the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning and expressed their wishes for further organization of the educational process using distance learning technologies.

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