KhNUIA applicants took part in the interactive event “Youth against violence”

Representatives of the Gender Culture Center held an interactive event “Youth against violence” for KhNUIA applicants. They also presented their projects. The cadets and female cadets jointly developed ways to overcome and prevent gender-based violence, based on the UN Global Goal “Gender Equality” and the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men”.

The mission of the Gender Culture Center is to popularize the ideas of gender equality and to make a contribution to changing stereotypes regarding the social roles of women and men through non-formal gender education.

Today the Gender Culture Center systematically works and develops as:

  • an innovation center for non-formal interactive gender education, which is based on the idea of Life Long Learning – learning throughout life;

  • an incubator of gender projects;

  • an informational and methodological, and resource center in the field of ensuring gender equality;

  • a training center for the training of trainers in the field of ensuring gender equality and preventing gender-based violence;

  • a gender coworking;

  • a platform for the exchange of best national and international practices in the field of ensuring gender equality;

  • a place of intercultural communication, where foreign guests of Kharkiv can receive information about gender transformations taking place in Ukraine, about the Ukrainian women's movement and the feminist movement, about the activities of NGOs.

The presentation link:

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