The software with elements of artificial intelligence, which is used in the Ministry of Justice, was discussed today in LDUVS named after E.O. Didorenko

On December 2, a theoretical online seminar "Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Criminal Law Regulation" took place on the university's distance learning platform.  Applicants for higher education had a great opportunity to communicate with the First Deputy Director of the State Institution "Probation Center", Ph.D.  Iryna Yakovets.


Ms. Iryna spoke in detail about the new development of the Ministry of Justice with elements of artificial intelligence "Cassandra" to analyze the likelihood of repeated violations of the law by a criminal.

 "Cassandra is not a separate program.  This is in fact one of the tabs of the single register of convicts and detainees which includes an assessment of risks and needs.  This is the tool that probation has been using for almost 5 years,”said a representative of the Probation Center.

According to Ms. Iryna, this development actually automates the process of creating a pre-trial report which characterizes the identity of the accused and his propensity to recommit crimes.  The possibility of Cassandra analyzing the registers not only of the Ministry of Justice but also of other agencies is already being considered.  Currently, the program is only updated with data from the register and trains to process people's questionnaires giving them points.  Over the years, Cassandra will become smarter and, with large data sets, will begin to check whether it has correctly assessed the likelihood of recurrence in each case.

The speaker focused on examples of the implementation of similar programs in other countries and shared ambitious plans that can be implemented based on the experience of some countries.

"Now "Cassandra" is really formed manually, but when filling the register with the maximum possible data, it will happen automatically. And the opportunities for further use of this tool are very wide both for the control of offenders and for non-punitive aspects.  In particular, to ensure safety and to properly conduct special educational work and address criminal needs," said Iryna Yakovets.

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